This is a surprise. Since the announcement of Neurocore rumours and expectations have been flying around. Muscletech do a good job an marketing something up to more than it is. The product sports the unusual cheap price from Muscletech. At a snatch higher than Jack3d they boasted that it is the strongest and has a more intense dose of geranium. It does have the added ingredient, DMAE. Which is banned across Australasia and been in other pre-workouts with not so much success. Before I go in depth, the final word. Is unbelievable.
Muscletech talk out their ass so much it is almost hard to believe. So I will go over what is true. Super concentrated? Hell yes this scoop is just under half that of Jack3d. With the same amount of serves per bottle, 45. The scoop weighs in at 3.8g. Like all pre-workouts 3 is the maximum for a 24 hour period. Now energy. Yes. Jack3d the leading competitor did not give a boost as such. This was a kick in the ass and assuming it has a higher dose of beta-alanine as the pins and needles were all over for about 10 minutes. The focus is something that I did not notice as much. Jack3d gets my head dead on to my goals and exercises in the gym.
Muscle and strength? Yes and yes again. Warm ups are almost non existent on this. Bicep 80% was the weight I rocked my second warm up on. Rest shortened down to almost 60 seconds. My maximum lifts were the same but with so much more muscle isolation. Last on the check list was the pump. As much pump as something like Hemo Rage? Yes. Muscles expanded beyond and the edge to do more sets was just overwhelming.
I hate to talk up a Mtech product but the best way to get the word out there is a comparison so here we go. Jack3d still holds the focus crown for me. Neurocore had energy to do a lot but not that focus required to lift heavy and hard. GAT’s Nitraflex stills has the only aggression booster I have experience from pre-workouts. But Hemo Rage has now been surpassed in energy boost as this one blows them all away. 1 M.R. and Animal Rage really hold nothing over this. SuperPump MAX is the best comparison of all. Energy levels about equal pump is little more in the Neuro. The downers on this super power is the taste. Fruit Punch brings back so many medicine memories its not funny. The other loss is the immense pins and needles thanks to the beta-alanine. Never had this on any other supp other than straight beta-alanine. Over all the market welcomes the big boys at Mtech with open arms. Reviewed and approved!