Over the past few weeks 4+ Nutrition has been incredibly busy, in fact busier than any other brand on the market. Since January the Italian company has introduced 8 entirely new supplements and 19 new flavors, for a total of 27 different items.
Moving into April and May it doesn’t look like 4+ Nutrition is going to be slowing down anytime soon, as today it has confirmed that it will be introducing a few more products in the next month and a half. The brand has confirmed that it is going to be releasing exactly three more supplements or flavors with one on Saturday the 15th of April, another on May 7th, then the last on May 20th.
At the moment we have absolutely no idea what kind of products 4+ Nutrition plans on launching. If however we are to go off its very vague teaser image, they do all look like boxed supplements and possibly related to one another.