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SX7 Revolution won’t be Muscletech’s only product using Binutra’s ComboCap

muscletech revolution

Muscletech kicked off the new year with the unveiling of its upcoming weight loss supplement SX7 Revolution. The product is going to feature a new dual delivery system from Binutra called ComboCap, which allows the combination of liquid and powder ingredients in the one capsule. While we don’t have any more information on SX7 Revolution today, what we do have are details on something else very closely related.

Muscletech has mysteriously confirmed that its upcoming SX7 Revolution isn’t going to be its only supplement using the new ComboCap technology. Other products are in fact due to be released following the arrival of SX7 Revolution with the dual delivery system, although we don’t have any names or details for any of those just yet.

If we had to take a guess at what they could be, we imagine they’ll likely be weight loss products of some kind, possibly making for a Muscletech Revolution Series of some sort. For now we’ll just have to wait for more information, however with the Arnold coming up in just over a month, the brand will probably have something lined up for that as well as leading up to it.

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