Of all the April Fools’ Day pranks pulled by supplement companies last week, there was one that we were quite suspicious about. While Grenade’s share size Carb Killa was entertaining and Campus Protein’s Pronuts were a great idea, both were obviously jokes. MAN Sports’ however certainly flirted with the line a little more as it announced another flavor for its upcoming protein powder with Unicorn Milk Clean Protein.
As wild as the title was, there was a small chance of it being legitimate as Unicorn Milk did sound like something MAN would or at least could do. Unfortunately it was April Fools’ Day, so like most others we wrote it off as a prank. This week the brand has actually come out and confirmed that Unicorn Milk Clean Protein is the real deal, and is in fact a flavor the product id due to be available in.
There is still no release date for MAN’s Clean Protein so don’t get too excited just yet, although the supplement must be close as it’s been almost two months since it was unveiled.